Sunday 10 July 2011

Day 5- Storming the Castle

It was really nice to have a later start these past two days. After breakfast we walked to The National Museum of Scotland, which was filled with many fun and interesting exhibits. Next, we walked the Royal Mile where we shopped for souvenirs. The girls went to a lot of cute boutiques like "Cookie," we had so much fun even if we were only window shopping! We also walked around Edinburgh castle later in the day. We walked so much today, but it was all worth it because we've gotten to see so many great sights in Edinburgh!
- Erin :)

Today was a really nice day because it was pretty calm. We went to the Edinburgh castle and there were a lot of interesting sites to see. It was awesome to see the crown and to be at the top of the castle and look down on the city, it was beautiful. There was a lot of walking so my feet kind of hurt but it was very fun, so I don't care as much :). Our time in Edinburgh has been amazing. I never thought I would get to experience something like this in my life, and i can't believe I am. I wish we got to see more of Scotland but the parts we have seen have been awesome. I can't wait to experience London now!
- Sammi

Today we went to Edinburgh castle and we saw many exhibits. One exhibit that stood out the most to me was in the basement there was an exhibit called "David's tower" and in the description of the exhibits it stated that the royal crown was buried under a medieval toilet to protect it during a war. I thought this was interesting. Today was overall a good day.
-Jimmy V

Finally, some videos from the Scottish Youth Theatre workshops yesterday: groups worked on finding words that described different aspects of Scotland, then each group had to pick 4 words, and put together actions to express them. Some may be clearer than others, but you'll definitely notice "cold" featuring heavily. (Jon the photographer is a little too prominent in all the videos - but at least this means there'll be some great photos at the end of the project.)

Group 1:

Group 2:

Group 3:

Group 4:

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